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Test Engineering Power State Management & Health Monitoring Infotainment ECU

100% Auslastung

Start: Juli 2024
Dauer: 12 Monate +
Auslastung: Fulltime
Lokation: Remote & Sindelfingen (80/20)
Vertragsart: Arbeitnehmerüberlassung


  • Model-based development of Power State Management software using Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow

  • Code generation via Embedded Coder

  • Maintenance, extension, improvement of the own Simulink/Simulink-Test based simulation environment for running and testing (manual and automated MiL) of all models

  • Maintenance, extension, improvement of the existing MiL Test-Suite

  • Maintenance and further development of own PC simulation environment for building, running and testing (manual and automated SiL) of the generated code, based on MS Visual Studio/Eclipse and Oracle Virtual Box/QEMU

  • Integration of the generated C/C++ code in the own PC-Simulation

  • Maintenance, extension, improvement of the existing SiL Test-Suite


  • Master degree in informatics, electronics or another comparable discipline

  • Expert skills in MDB SW development

  • Very good skills in embedded C/C++

  • Know how in SW unit-, component- and integration- testing

  • Fluent English

  • Knowledge in some of the following areas would be an advantage: AUTOSAR, Linux SW Entwicklun, Automotive or Embedded projects, Python, GTest, Yocto, C#, Qt

JobNr: 15812

Ansprechpartner: Paulo Rodrigues
E-Mail: Experten@soorce.de
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