Murex – Bonds – Derivate
in: Frankfurt am Main
Dauer: Monate
0% Auslastung

Client: Bank
Required skills:
* Mx3 Know how (Bonds / Derivatives) is a must
* Kondor+ Know How would be helpful
* Basic Technical and Deep Business Know How
* Valuation of fixed income bonds + derivatives
* Interest Rate Products / Fx / Credit /
* Market Data Setup / Curve Setup / Model Assignment / Rate Curve Assignment Risk Scenarios
* Banking / Consultancy Background; Sound Experience in an investment banking / risk controlling environment -> 3 Years
* Experienced in handling of big data amounts and analysis by usage of Excel and Access
* Very good communication skills / experience in cooperation with RC, FO and IT units / members
Language skill: German + English excellent
Work location: Frankfurt
Duration from: 02.05.2017 - 30.10.2017 - Full Time